How It Works

Our Purpose

Our goal and purpose is to be the tool that your entire cast and crew will use to communicate the placement of the sets, blocking, lighting, and choreography so that your team's biggest focus can be on delivering the best performance possible!

With this tool you can precisely translate all of the work done in rehearsals directly to the stage.

From Rehearsal To The Stage

There are many different ways to use our product for your performers, but we beileve the following is a great start for your creative team.

-We like to begin by having the technical designers determine the set designs + destinations and share those out with the creative team.

-Next, we start blocking rehearsals with the performers. We use the grid to “measure off” where the sets will be located. We often use spike tape (on stage and in the rehearsal space) as a visual for the performers.

-This allows us to set all of our blocking using "imaginary" sets. It is best for the performers and assistant directors to note their grid locations in their script. (i.e. B6-SL, for B6 Stage Left).

-We then pass the set and blocking locations using the grid coordinates to the choreographer.

-This allows the choreographer to create precise pieces off stage without sets or actors present and bring them back to the stage without any rework.

-After we compile all of this, we bring it back to the lighting designer who is now able to light the entire show without one performer present (we’ve seen this done and it is AMAZING).

When everyone comes back to the stage to meet for the first time, most of the "kinks" have already been eliminated because The Performer's Grid allows the entire creative team to use the same playbook during the entire creative process.


Your number line will be delivered rolled compactly in a clear plastic zip lock.

If you’re on a stage unroll The Number Line so that the numbers are facing the performers and align the zero with the center of your stage.

If you are in a rehearsal space unroll The Number Line and use at the front of your rehearsal space with the numbers facing the performers.

The sidelines will be used in a similar manner, but up and down the stage, to create a grid system to communicate placement to performers and crew.

If you are using our permanent products, please see the additional instructions below.

**Our products can create tripping hazards if they are not securely fastened to the floor. If they are not permanently secured to the floor using gaffers or similar tape, it is important that everyone takes care not to step on or close to the number lines in order to avoid potential injury.


You have finally unboxed and used your Performer’s Grid at your rehearsal and now you want to take it with you.

Simply roll the number line into a similar fashion when you received it. Then put it back into the provided clear zip lock bag for easy transportation to and from your rehearsal space.

Our favorite part about our product is the ability to turn any space into a precise rehearsal space, including cafeterias and parking lots!

Just make sure when transporting to use either painters or gaffers tape, or heavy objects at the end and middle of the lines to reduce the risk of a tripping hazard.

For Dancers and Dance Studios

Our founder is a dance teacher and performer by trade. She originally developed this system to better communicate the placement of her choreography to groups of students so that she could help them tell a more compelling and precise story on stage.

It is perfect for students to get ready for competition and ensure their spacing is correct for the stage. It also trains them for how professionals maintain their spacing at the next level.

For Show Choirs

The number line system has been used by show choirs for many years and is a great way to keep the spacing beautiful and organized on stage and on the risers.  It really helps directors and choreographers give placement to the performers in rehearsals and helps them be more comfortable on stage, knowing they are in the right place at all times.

Our Permanent System

Our Permanent Grid System is designed to be in a space where there is a thrust stage or anything other than a standard proscenium theatre. However it will work just fine with a standard proscenium stage.

These stickers will be permanent once you put them in place.  You will put the zero at center stage and then space the numbers two feet apart on each side of the stage.  You can use the pictures on our website to see the numbers in the standard spacing. 

We suggest purchasing the portable grid in addition to the permanent grid so that your spacing for rehearsals will be consistent. If you have the portable grid already, you can easily use it as a guide for your permanent placement.

Short Video Demo